Physics Sites
Physics Organizations
- American Institute of Physics. A comprehensive physics organization that is the parent of many societies including SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma.
- American Physical Society. Website of another umbrella organization containing a wealth of physics related information.
Reference Pages
- Graduate School Shopper. Provides a search engine for graduate schools for different fields of interest.
- National Institute of Standards. Site has a comprehensive listing of physical constants along with their recently measured values and also contains other physical data.
Physics Pages
- The Internet Pilot to Physics. Provides a physics specific search engine, physics-related java applets and discussion forum.
Preprint Sites
- Eprint Server. Electronic archive and distribution server for research papers. Physics, mathematics and related disciplines.
Visual Physics: Classical Mechanics
- Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion
- Circular Motion and Centrifugal Force - Created by University of Hawaii
- Projectile Motion - Created by University of Virginia
- Two-Dimensional Collision - Created by University of Virginia
- Kinetic Energy - Created by University of Oregon
- Potential Energy - Created by University of Oregon
- Michelson-Morley Experiment - Created by University of Virginia
- Einstein's Lightclock - Created by University of Virginia
- Planetary Motion - Created by University of Virginia
- Lunar Eclipse - Created by University of Virginia
- Shoot Mars - Created by University of Virginia
- Phases of Venus - Created by University of Virginia
- Kepler Motion - Created by University of Hawaii
- Carnot Cycle - Created by University of Virginia
- Thermodynamic Equilibrium - Created by University of Oregon
- Maxwellian Velocity Distribution - Created by University of Oregon
Electronics and Optics
- Circuits - Created by University of Oregon
- Young's Interference Experiment - Created by University of Virginia
- Propagation of an Electromagnetic Wave - Created by University of Hawaii
- Reflection and Refraction - Created by University of Hawaii
- Thin Lens - Created by University of Hawaii
Quantum Mechanics
- Plank's Radiation Formula - Created by University of Oregon
- Emission Spectra of Elements - Created by University of Oregon
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Room 238, Koch Center for Engineering and Science