Civil Engineering Advisory Council
The Civil Engineering Advisory Council (CEAC) is composed of Civil Engineering professionals, UE Civil Engineering Alumni, UE Civil Engineering Faculty and Civil Engineering Student Representatives. The role of the CEAC is to assist the Department in shaping the program structure, goals, and objectives.
Advisory Council Members
- Scott Albin, PCI Skanska
- Ayah Aljandali, RQAW Corporation
- Jamie Baehl, American Structurepoint
- Tim Barnett, Reynolds Construction
- Lindsey Bowlin, Heneghan and Associates, P.C.
- Khalil I. Dughaish, Indiana Department of Transportation
- Brad Eddings, Lane Construction/U.S. Navy-Crane
- Mike Feltz, DLZ Company
- Matt Gentry, Bowen Engineering Corporation
- Ryan Higbie, Traylor Brothers, Inc.
- Luke Leffert, UE ASCE Student Chapter President
- Brian Litherland, Lochmueller Group, Inc.
- Jim Morley Jr, Morley
- Hyunsoung Park, University of Evansville
- Lise Powers, Powers Engineering Inc.
- Tobias (Toby) R. Randolph, Parsons
- Cherylynn Schilling, Powers Engineering Inc.
- J.D. Sloan, Evansville Water and Sewer
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 268, Koch Center for Engineering and Science