Dr. Jared Fulcher
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Room 272, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Professor Fulcher is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Evansville. He is faculty advisor of the student chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 2014
- MS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 2011
- BS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 2009
- Dynamic Systems and Controls (DSC) Research Lab Manager, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
- Graduate Research Assistant, NASA KY Space Grant Fellow, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
- Graduate Research Assistant, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) – Materials and Manufacturing Decorate, WPAFB, Dayton, OH
- Lab Technician, UK College of Engineering Extended Campus Program, Paducah, KY
Specialty Areas
- Finite Element Modeling
- Vehicle Dynamics
- Instrumentation and Measurement
Professional Memberships
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
- Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society (ΠΤΣ)
- Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society (ΤΒΠ)
Refereed Journal Publications
- Fulcher, J.T., Lu, Y.C., Tandon, G.P., Foster, D.C., “Thermomechanical characterization of shape memory polymers using high temperature nanoindentation”, Polymer Testing, Volume 29, Issue 5, 08/10.
- Lu, Y.C., Fulcher, J.T., Tandon, G.P., Foster, D.C., “Microscale thermomechanical characterization of environmentally conditioned shape memory polymers”, Polymer Testing, Volume 30, 563-570, 8/2011.
- Fulcher, J.T., Karaca, H.E., Tandon, G.P., Lu, Y.C., “Thermomechanical and shape memory properties of thermosetting shape memory polymer under compressive loadings”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Published Online, DOI: 10.1002/app.38791, 11/2012.
Journal Papers in Preparation
- Fulcher, J. T., Scherrer, I. J., Smith, S. W., Baker, J. R., "Using Nonlinear FE Modeling to Understand the Effect of Boundary Conditions on Precise Surfaces of Inflatable Structures", research article to be submitted to the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets.
Conference Papers
- Lofton, J., Fulcher, J. T., Blandford D., Course and Standardized Exam Statistics in Mechanical Engineering, Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 06/2018
- Allen, J. H., & Fulcher, J., & Selvaraj, S. I., Assessment of Student Learning in Undergraduate Engineering Courses Using Quizzes In Lieu of Homework, Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, 06/2017
- Fulcher, J. T., Smith, S. W., Baker, J. R., “Analysis and Damage Sensitivity of Design Pathfinder for Inflatable Systems”, Presented at 2015 AIAA SciTech Conference 2nd AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference, Kissimmee, FL, 01/15.
- Fulcher, J. T., Smith, S. W., Baker, J. R., “Effect of Boundary Conditions on Geometric Control for an Inflatable Pathfinder System”, Presented at 2014 AIAA SciTech Conference AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference, National Harbor, MD, 01/14.
- Fulcher, J. T., Scherrer, I. J., Smith, S. W., Baker, J. R., "Using Nonlinear FE Modeling to Understand the Effect of Boundary Conditions on Precise Surfaces of Inflatable Structures", Presented at 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 14th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum, Boston, MA, 04/13.
- Fulcher, J.T., Karaca, H.E., Tandon, G.P., Foster, D.C., Lu, Y.C., “Multiscale Thermomechanical Characterization of Environmentally Conditioned Shape Memory Polymers”, Proceedings of 2011 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Connecticut, 06/11.
- Fulcher, J.T., Lu, Y.C., Tandon, G.P., Foster, D.C., “Mechanical Characterization of Environmentally Conditioned Shape Memory Polymers by High Temperature Indentation”, Presented at 2010 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Indianapolis, IN, 06/10.
- Fulcher, J.T., Lu, Y.C., Tandon, G.P., Foster, D.C., “Shape Memory Effects of Environmentally Conditioned Shape Memory Polymers Studied by Nanoindentation”, Presented at SAMPE 2010, Seattle, WA, 05/10.
- Fulcher, J.T., Lu, Y.C., Tandon, G.P., Foster, D.C., “Thermomechanical Characterization of Environmentally Conditioned Shape Memory Polymer Using Nanoindentation”, Presented at Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Structures / NDE Conference, San Diego, CA, 03/10.
Conference Presentations
- Fulcher, J.T., Scherrer, I., Smith, S. W., Baker, J., “Development of Modeling Approach for Design of Precision Inflatable Structures”, Presented at the 37th Dayton-Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium, Dayton, OH, 03/12.
- Beadles, W. J., Fulcher, J. T., “Modal Analysis of an Engine Valve Cover: Experimental Testing and Finite Element Modeling”, Technical Poster presented at ASEE SE Annual Meeting, Marietta, GA, 04/09.